Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Paris in January

This wonderful chef is so happy because he is getting ready to prepare fois gras for moi!!  And all chefs love gourmandes like me who love to eat.
Oui, foie gras and lovely little potatoes cooked in the same pan.
Add some champagne, in the setting of a hôtel particulier tucked in behind the Musée d'Orsay and it was pure heaven.
I just returned from a long weekend in Paris, courtesy of ACIS, the travel company making the arrangements for my spring break trip to Paris and Provence with my 14 eighth graders.  Yes, there was a bit of work involved... an orientation meeting for those of us new to the company.
At the moment, I am paying the price... grades and comments are due for the second quarter.  So... until my work is done, no more posts.  No more drooling over my days spent roaming through three markets, eating steak-frites, touring the Opéra Garnier or sipping kir royale on a dinner cruise...   Never fear, dear readers, you will get all the details and lots of photos as soon as my work is caught up.
Back to real life!

Bon appétit, Paris!


  1. Now that's a hunk of Foie that I could really enjoy. I am envious and Foie Gras deprived since returning from France last year! - Seth

  2. When you decide that you have been deprived long enough and are ready to dig into some foie gras, please let me know. I also had some pâté, served with figs, that was to die for... served with a lovely Chardonnay, eaten while cruising the Seine at night. Pas mal, hein?
