Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Culinary Arts College- The Top 40 French Cooking Blogs

(At this moment I am frustrated because I can't add a photo... what's up with that, blogger??  I've been trying off and on for a couple of hours this morning.  So, I "skitched" myself.  Maybe I should stick to lavender...)

I discovered recently that The Sabbatical Chef is listed on a website for French cooking blogs.  Right up there with a few of my favorites.  I am very happy to have the list, too, so I can check them out.  I am amazed at how creative some folks are and how willing they are to share.  This should be a great incentive to keep blogging away.

This summer, since school ended, I am holding down the fort in our middle school office.   We have a new school director coming next month who will need help and right now our campus is filled with about 150 middle schoolers and teachers from Student U, an amazing program for Durham public school students.  I am having so much fun watching the teachers and students in action.  I am also shadowing three students who are preparing lunch for everyone.  They spend their mornings at Durham Catering Company, come here to serve and eat, then return to DCC to clean up and prep for the next day's lunch.  This is the first year of this partnership.  I am very impressed.  I am working on an article for the Durham Herald-Sun about it.  Just goes to show you what great things can happen when a community comes together to support the education of its youth.  Healthy living and eating is just one part of Student U.  I believe the plan is to make a cookbook with the recipes used.  Today's menu will feature grilled chicken in an Alfredo sauce (Chef Hugo knows how much kids love Alfredo-- my son could eat it every day) with sun-dried tomatoes and asparagus, fresh fruit salad, and cornbread.  Almost lunch time... j'ai faim!

Bon appétit, Student U chefs, Durham Catering Company, and Chef Hugo!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this excellent information. I wasn't aware that there were so many blogs dedicated to French Cooking, nor aware that there was such a great interest in the field.
