Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Leo - Lion - Horoscope du jour

Non, I am not going to write today's Leo - Lion- horoscope in French.  Ne t'inquiète pas.  I get my daily horoscope (whenever I think to actually read it) from a widget on my desktop's dock (  That's all Mac/Apple lingo that I am throwing around here, PC users.  I sound as if I know what I am talking about, n'est-ce pas?  Well, just a little, maybe.
But, back to the horoscope.  It is very timely advice for me today.  I remember sitting looking through that wire "window" at the remains of the Pope's summer home at Châteauneuf-du-Pape in 2008.  We had just finished a picnic for guests and everyone was just sitting in the shade, thinking of siestas.  I was looking out towards Avignon and the Rhône River, enjoying a little breeze, and my July day in Provence.  I still long to be there in the summer.  To hear the cigales, sip rosé, buy fat, juicy tomatoes and goat cheese, chèvre, for my Frenchie sandwiches.  However, my horoscope brought me back to earth today so I decided to share it.  Very wise advice.  And just what I needed to hear today.  It doesn't take away the longing, but it makes this Leo think about all that is good in her life as she listens to France Bleu Vaucluse Radio on iTunes.

July 20, 2011

You may not be rich or famous, but what you have is pretty darned special.  Take stock of all the wonderful things you have in your life right now-- gratitude is a great way to let the universe know that you don't take anything for granted.  Wanting more is not a bad thing (after all, the desire for material goods drives your ambition from time to time), but treasuring what you have is a much better thing.  Plus, it will put you in a great mood!

Bon appétit, Leos!  It's our time!

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