Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Ceci et cela

Wise words, don't you think? 
I suppose I was feeling a bit philosophical the day I took this one.  I was wandering around in our GRO Club garden here at school.  The kids made signs out of clay.
Lots of flowers blooming--
Some figs-
(I eat all the ripe ones I can get my greedy little fingers on-- I admit it.)

I cannot resist a college student selling Cutco knives during summer vacation.  My newest ones just arrived and are table knives.  I was reminded of how sharp a new little knife can be when you rub up against it.
It bled quite a bit but has almost healed now.  I kind of hope I have a little scar.  I will wear it proudly. 

I made chocolate cupcakes to celebrate college-age son's birthday and to share them with this year's new "crop" of advisees.   I also brought some to my fellow teachers.  (I thoroughly enjoyed watching the new middle school director wolf one down on his way to a meeting!)
They went over very well.  Want to know how a 7th grade boy tells you he likes the icing?

"That's the kind of icing that doesn't make you feel like you want to puke."
That is actually a compliment.  Really.  I wasn't at all offended (32 years with 7th grade boys gives you a great appreciation for them).

I concocted a great fritatta for dinner with some leftover brown rice, a bag of mixed vegetables, some cheddar cheese, and eggs.  Since I am home alone for a few days, I can cook a meal like this and not worry about hearing "Where's the meat?"

Rusty Cat spends a lot of time downstairs now that college-age son isn't sleeping upstairs anymore. 
Let sleeping cats lie, I guess.
That's usually my chair, but as I said, I am alone this week, so I took over the sofa and Rusty took over the chair.

We empty-nesters, the Ex-Ex, BFF and her husband and I, decided to go out for dinner one night (to celebrate?) at Bocci here in Durham.  I love calamari.  The little critters look so interesting.
And their mussels are really, really, really good--
They are in a salty, lemony wine sauce, served up with two nice chunks of housemade bread.  Perfect for dipping and getting all of the sauce.  Mussels Bianca from the antipasti menu.  Just right size portion after having several of the calamari.  Gavi was the wine of choice for this dish. 

And many thanks to Ms. Arizona for sharing her beautiful sunflowers with me.  Once again, wouldn't Vincent be proud?  He'd paint them!  Maybe I'll try...

So, just a little of this and that this week.  I am so exhausted after teaching all day that I am sleeping well.  That's for sure.

Bon appétit à tous!

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