Sunday, January 22, 2012

Chez Fauchon

ACIS treated us to dinner at Fauchon this year.  Oui, Fauchon of the famous chocolates near the Madeleine church.  The place where I have practiced lèche-vitrines or window-licking, as the French call window-shopping, in the past.  Did you know they also have a café?  I didn't.  Our last night in Paris, after hours, we were whisked upstairs, barely having time to drool over the goodies surrounding us.
We were treated to champagne and appetizers.
Fauchon's bubbly comes from Champagne so it really is champagne.
And of course I love the pink.
Among the little hors-d'oeuvre, we were served pumpkin soup, with the smallest spoons I've ever eaten with--
It was très bonne, la soupe.
We sat down to eat, me next to my Paris roommate, Lynne,
with Angélique (in the red sweater above), and Thierry, who will be my group's tour manager during our March trip.
I think that we are going to get along famously.
Menus were waiting for us at our places.

And dinner began with Poêlée de girolles et cèpes, oeuf cassé, crème à la truffe
Sautéed mixed mushrooms with truffle cream
The main course-- Suprême de pintade doré minute, pommes de terre "Grenaille de Noirmoutier", légumes verts, jus salmis
Breast of guinea hen, baby potatoes, and green vegetables

Salad and cheese course--
Salade mélangée et fromages affinés:  Tête de Moine, Saint Marcellin, Sainte Maure
Mixed leaf salad served with a selection of cheese
I ate a second helping of the chèvre... I traded with Thierry.

And dessert...
Moelleux tiède au grand cru de chocolat Guanaja, coeur fondant framboise, glace vanille turbinée minute
Warm chocolate fondant dessert, with melting raspberry centre and vanilla ice cream
It was as good as it looks.  I resisted licking the plate, but I didn't waste a bite.
Wines were Sauvignon Domaine Laroche de la Chevalière 2010 and Bordeaux La Chapelle 2010 par Antoine Moueix.  Our water was either calme or agitée.
Before leaving, a trip to bathroom was in order, just to check it out (this is a weird hobby of mine in fancy places).
What is not to love about a pink toilettes?
On the way out, I snapped a few photos of the goodies.
And then a few window shots--
No purchases were made.  They closed up shop as soon as we left.
(I bought my little tin of chocolate at the airport on the way home.)
Our ride back to the hotel took us past the lovely ferris wheel, la roue, that is put up at Place de la Concorde for Christmas and New Year's.
It was a lovely, delicious evening. 

Bon appétit et merci, ACIS et Fauchon!

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