Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Summer Vacation: Day Douze

So, this morning no 5k walk at the crack of dawn because the BFF couldn't and I am basically too lazy to go alone. I still got up early, though, to make coffee and make sure Son #2 got out of the house in time to get to work at 7:00 am (I do derive a small amount of evil pleasure out of waking him up at 6:30, I must confess). That left time for making blueberry muffins for the boys (the Ex-Ex + Son #2 - Son #1 who is now mostly on his own = the boys). Mme P has asked me to bring blueberry muffin mix to her and her family when I come to visit chez elle, her lovely home, in just a few days. 13 days until Paris, 17 until Villeneuve-lez-Avignon, but who's counting??

I tested this mix by Duncan Hines this morning.

I like the nothing artificial billing --

My house smelled wonderful. The cat, Rusty, sure didn't seem to mind me rattling around in the kitchen either. He had already settled back down for his first nap of the day. One of many, I'm sure.

Bon appétit, blueberries!

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