Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Chocolate Thief

Laura Florand has done it again.  The Chocolate Thief is her new book.   I went to hear her read from it last week at The Regulator, an independent bookstore here in Durham, with Arles Lucy and Ms. Sunshine.   Not only did Laura treat us to a few paragraphs from the book,

she also treated us to stories about researching chocolate in Paris.   She visited with Jacques Genin and Michel Chaudun (no website, but a nice write up in BonjourParis).  In July, the BFF-ers and I were close to both of these shops, Genin in the 3e near our apartment and Chaudun in the 7e.  (Big sigh)
Laura is obviously passionate about chocolat.  Back in 7th grade, she even wrote a research paper about it (a story I will share with my students, trust me).  For the reading, she teamed up with Bonnie Lau of Miel Bonbons to treat us to a chocolate-tasting.
This is a photo of the shop--

And this is a photo of my little bites.
Oui, there is a little macaron in there, too!
The numbers are there because we had a little test to see if we could identify the flavors.

I only managed to get three right (Ms. Sunshine got 6/7), but that doesn't mean that I didn't enjoy every little bit of them.  Mme Lau, a Paris-trained chocolatière, also donated a basket of her deliciousness, that Laura raffled off, but alas, I wasn't the lucky winner.  So, I will get myself over to Carrboro soon to check out her shop.  It will be well worth braving the traffic on 15-501.
As I read The Chocolate Thief, I pictured a handsome chocolatier I have indeed met.
Joël Durand et moi on my 49th birthday in his shop in St. Rémy de Provence.  He personally picked out a chocolate for me to taste.  And graciously posed for a photo.  I've been to his shop quite a few times, the last time in July, with the BFF-ers.  He was in the shop that day, too.  Oui, I let him pick out a chocolate for me again.   I brought home a box to share with the Ex-Ex.

He saved a few for me.
M. Durand has a chocolate alphabet, L'Alphabet des Saveurs.
Q: Châtaigne (chestnut)
R: Romarin (rosemary)
S: Réglisse (liquorice)
T: Tiramisu
U: Poivre Szechwan (Szechwan pepper)
V: Violette
Y: Café et orgeat (coffee and barley)

Trop bon!

Bon appétit, Laura, I am ready for the next three books about Paris and chocolat!!

Bad girls go to Paris and meet handsome chocolatiers!

 Note:  David Lebovitz dedicated a blog to Jacques Genin on Sept. 10, 2012.  Quelle coïncidence!

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