Saturday, October 6, 2012

I love Paris

Fill in the blank quiz on The Sabbatical Chef today.
When do you love Paris?

Imagine Ella Fitzgerald crooning the song as you contemplate your answer.  (Or cheat and skip to the end of the post and listen to her!)

Every time I look down on this timeless town

Whether blue

 or gray be her skies,

Whether loud be her cheers

or soft be her tears,

more and more do I realize:

I love Paris in the spring time.

I love Paris in the fall.

I love Paris in the winter when it drizzles.

I love Paris in the summer when it sizzles.

I love Paris every moment,

Every moment of the year.

I love Paris.

Why, oh why do I love Paris?

Because my love is near.

Bon appétit, Paris and all who love her!


  1. Bonjour Madame! Vous avez utilisé mon photo! :D

  2. Bonjour mademoiselle!
    Tell me which photo is yours so that I can give you credit!!
    Mme E
