Yesterday was the Best Sister-in-law in the World's birthday. Here we are in July in Arles standing at the very spot where Vincent painted my favorite painting, Starry Night Over the Rhône. It lives in the Musée d'Orsay.
In addition to being her birthday, yesterday was also the 2012 release of Beaujolais Nouveau. I got a report this morning from a certain Frenchie who went to La Place de l'Horloge in Avignon pour découvrir ce Côtes du Rhône Primeur. Merely tasting? Mais non! Discovering this wine. (I think my Frenchies take great delight in making me envious...) Evidently they bought two glasses and a breathalyser, éthylotest, was involved. (I have to ask about this... je ne comprends pas.) They then tasted a dozen or so of the different wines, bought a plate of goat cheese, une assiette de bons fromages de chèvres, to accompany their wine. Yes, I am currently a lovely shade of green, due to envy. I prefer sage green, as in this cute little number--
I have received notice from Wine Authorities that their Beaujolais Nouveau has arrivéed, too. Last year, I fooled around and missed it. I waited until the day before Thanksgiving. Too late. All gone. Have to wait 'til next year. Désolé, Sabbatical Chef. So, this afternoon I shall go shopping. And hopefully will be given a sip or two. One must taste-test, n'est-ce pas? It is a young wine, about six weeks old. Meant to be drunk now. It is made exclusively from Gamay grapes. Practically no tannins. Serve chilled just a bit. I have found it goes quite well with Thanksgiving dinner. Of course, the Frenchies do not celebrate Thanksgiving as they did not have Pilgrims, but it is a nice coincidence and I, for one, thank them. Je vous remercie!
Bon appétit, BSILITW and Beaujolais Nouveau!
I bought a bottle yesterday! We look forward to it every year and will drink it on Thanksgiving too. Even if it is's a good tradition!