Wednesday, January 2, 2013


So, I promised myself, on this last day of vacation before school starts again, that I would get up early, make the coffee, feed the cats (oops! forgot to do that), and get to work.  I still have a few 8th grade exams to grade.  But here I am.  I checked my gmail and found an email from the BFF with a link to a very, very funny blog, I Miss You When I Blink (written by one of her blood relatives, no less). I had to spend 45 minutes reading her posts and stifling my giggles so I don't wake anyone up and can continue to have a few minutes to myself.  Next on my list was to read my horoscope.  I get two of them every day.  One from here's today's lowdown for Leo the Lion--

Feel free to do almost anything without fear of consequence, Leo. Your
style is so superb right now that few are likely to question you. Friends
and lovers can depend on you for a good time, and colleagues know they can
count on you to get the job done. Just remember to leave work behind at
quitting time.

I am truly relieved to know that about my superb sense of style and the fact that not much of anyone is going to question me when I go to lunch at Bull City Burger and Brewery with Best Sister-In-Law-In The-World and Ms. Sunshine (the BFF will be waiting on us there because she is working today) in my jeans and black sweater.  And clogs, of course.  Can't very well go barefooted.

Then I also check out the horoscope that is delivered to my dashboard here on the MacBook Pro that I so generously call my own even though it is technically owned by my employers.  It is called Zodiac Widget and I found it here.  Here is today's forecast (other than the rain and 48˚ for a high that is predicted here... I also have weather widgets showing Durham, Paris, Villeneuve-lez-Avignon, and Arles; I would take a screenshot of my dashboard but that would take me at least an hour to figure out, so I will wait for another day when I feel like wasting more time)--

When someone reaches out to you today, stifle your shy, introverted side and reach back at them.  Smile, flirt, and try to be open about how you feel.  Even if you are caught off guard by all the friendliness, just try to relax and go with it.  It's fun!  People find you very approachable and you should get used to the unexpected.  Start making small efforts to react more warmly and receptively... these moves will be recognized and appreciated.

Okay, I will try to be friendly and receptive.  And smile.  That won't be difficult since I am having lunch with the girls at the best burger joint in the whole wide world.

Can't resist a picture of one of our Paris lunches from this summer...

I don't really believe the horoscope stuff (unless it's good, of course) and I probably only remember to read it four out of seven days of the week.  Sometimes I read the one in our local paper if I can get my hands on it before the Ex-Ex takes that section of the paper to work the crossword and I never see it again.  I would quote that one for today but that would mean putting on the aforementioned clogs and going on in the rain in my non-too-stylish pajamas.  Not going to happen.  Sorry.  (But I am smiling as I say that to you.  See horoscope.)

Bon appétit to all Leos and the rest of you inferior other signs!

1 comment:

  1. I wish she was a blood relative. Just happy she married into the family.
