Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The writing continues... day 4

It is Day 4 and I am still writing.  I am up to 7913 words.  Inspiration comes from the wonderful world of iPhoto.  My photos bring the places I've visited back to me.  My fingers move across the keyboard attempting to bring these experiences back to life.  I am up to Arles 2006.  The Arles 6 (plus 1 in Paris!)  has returned.  I love these people.

Unadulterated joy and living in the moment.  That's what this is about.
The story has its fair share of angst and anguish as I examine and relive my past.  But if life hadn't taken me where it did, I would never have met these people (except for Arles Lucy/Sunflower Child).
I have put other projects on hold.  The Ex-Ex is eating his fair share of soup and egg salad sandwiches.  I have Dorie Greenspan's new book, Baking Chez Moi, sitting on my counter, but I haven't even opened it yet.

(photo from Dorie's website, cited above)

Financiers and French Apple Tarts will have to wait a few days until I am sure that I am going to finish this writing project by the deadline that I have taken on.

Wish me luck, mes amis.  Here's a post from the archives so you can get a feel for what I am trying to get down on "paper."

Sort of ...  A tribute to Chef Érick

Bon appétit to all writers and readers!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. You can do it, Teresa! Consider one copy of your novel pre-sold!
    -Lynne Macko, your fan.

  3. That ex-ex guy seems like a great guy!

  4. Does he speak french too?

  5. It appears as if a certain someone has learned how to post comments...

    And non, he does not speak French. A character flaw for sure.

    The Sabbatical Chef
