Saturday, January 16, 2016

Day 1 -- I mean Day 2 -- in Paris

I had to change the name of the post to Day 2 because I fell asleep after not being able to post last night.
I practiced posting. With photos and everything before I left. I was sooooooo sure it would work this time. Why can't I access my photos, blogspot? I sign in to use you through Google. I have all my lovely photos in Google photos. They are on my phone and you ask me if I want to post photos from my phone. But they are not updated on my iPad. The tech guru at school has a saying for this- something along the lines of chair error. There might even be a gros mot thrown in there for effect. I am thinking some of my own right now. I promised photos on this blog for my students, so now I  am officially a liar. Are you happy, blogspot??
My tummy is full of delicious foie gras (insert photo) 

or I would be even grouchier. 
I had an amazing walking tour of Montmartre this morning with my ACIS peeps 

(insert photos) and then struck out on my own to find Carole Frederick's home and the plaque that the city of Paris installed in her memory (photo-- even a ghastly selfie). 

Sorry! No photo.
After that, I wandered around on Ile Saint Louis, had a late lunch of tartines in a tiny tiny restaurant called Aubergine de la Reine Blanche. 

Set off again, wandering around in the Marais. Got lost and ended up at the Place de la République that is now a memorial to the people who died on November 13.

Set off again and wandered toward Notre Dame and then the Latin quarter.  Yep, you guessed it. Lost again. But that never matters to me. No where to go and a lot of time to get there.

Finally, made it back to the hotel.  Only walked 11.6 miles and over 27,000 steps. I would show you the photo I took of my Fitbit, but I CAN'T.

Time for bed. Big day tomorrow. Rodin Museum and then a secret mission for lunch with My Favorite Parisien.

Okay, okay. So, after all that moaning and groaning (with my index finger taping on an iPad keyboard), I discovered blogger app and downloaded it. Now it seems I can access my photos. 

I will post photos from Day 1 on Day 3. I am worn out. Need my beauty sleep and my feet need to recover so they can do it again tomorrow!

Bon appétit. Bonne nuit. Dors bien. À demain.

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