photo credit: Amazon
I love this man. I am not sure the Ex-Ex knows, but he will soon enough. If he liked for me to read to him first thing in the morning, he most assuredly would know him. But while I am reading Sean’s daily Facebook post, the Ex-Ex is still blessedly asleep. I am the early riser in the family. Oh, Callie the Cat gets up, meows a few times and the next thing I know she is curled up on his feet sound asleep and doesn’t even bother to look up when I tiptoe into the bedroom searching for something like my Kindle or my glasses.
So, back to the Bearded Man of the Hour. He is Southern through and through. But you do not have to be a Southerner to love him. Just ask Ms. Arizona aka Tammy. I have never met him, yet I feel as if I have known him forever or at least my whole entire life, whichever is longer. Some of my Frenchie friends are now reading his FB posts and that just plain makes me happy. Everyone should start the day with a healthy dose of his prose. I have blogged about him before and I am pretty sure I will again. Today’s reason? He is giving away, yes, that’s right, giving away five of his books on Kindle today. He did this once before and I downloaded them all. I confess to feeling ever so guilty about that. Sean deserves to get paid for his writing. Therefore, today I bought a sixth one, The Other Side of the Bay.
Sean reminds us that we are all human, capable of lending a helping hand to those in need, whether we know them or not. Even better if we don’t know them. He is a keen observer of people. I imagine him to be like the old (they probably weren’t as old as I am now, though) mountain men I visited when I was little. Relatives that we would just drop in on because Mama Mildred said we did not need to call ahead. Chances are good they didn’t have phones anyway. These men were overall-wearing, front porch sitters. Didn’t always say much. Some couldn’t get a word in edge-wise considering the apron-wearing women presiding over the stove. But when they did, you listened. Well, unless you had already run off to play in the creek… I don’t think that any of those men from my past are still alive. Such a shame. However, Sean has stepped up to the plate. He is old for his age. Which means he is wise beyond his years. And he shares that hard fought wisdom with us, his loyal readers. I cry and/or laugh when reading his stories.
I’ve also become pen pals with his wife, Jamie. She is a chef-turned-teacher. I have managed to talk her out of two of her recipes. I won’t ask for more, just hope that she will toss one out once in a while. I plan to make her Pimiento Cheese recipe this week to take to the beach with Sister Moo. Sean carried on and on about her pound cake in one of his posts so I was brave and asked for the recipe. I keep making it and messing around with the flavorings. Hers is the best. (But switching it up and using Ms. Arizona’s gift of Praline Pecan liqueur gives me an excuse to have a little sample while mixing it all up.)
So, download some of his books and read on. Lyla is probably my favorite. Whenever I read the stories of people he has met, I imagine climbing into the passenger side of his old pick-up truck and going along for the ride. Food is almost always involved, too, which makes it even better.
I do not advertise for Amazon, nor do I receive anything for my links. I just happen to own a Kindle, given to me for Christmas a few years back by Son #1. (Technically, he gave it to the Ex-Ex and me, but let’s just say the Ex-Ex has yet to read anything on it.)
Bon appétit et bonne lecture! Read on!
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