I know, I know. Red and pink are supposed to be the colors now. Valentine’s Day approaches. And I love hearts, flowers, and good dark chocolate. Oh! And don’t forget champagne. However, I am seeing green. First, an author sent me an email asking me to review his book about living in Provence. I jumped at that chance and the book is in the mail as I type this up. More about that very soon since I will devour the book tout de suite. (And I am thinking about offering a giveaway…) Next, Mme P from Pujaut sent me a link to a very funny AMERICAN stand-up comedian speaking FRENCH like a Français and making JOKES in French. My jokes in English aren’t all that funny (just ask my students), but joking around and making people laugh in French? Pas moi. Pas possible. This character, Sebastian Marx, has been living in France for 10 years. I’ve been studying the language for 40+ years. Ah oui, I’ve lived there a couple of times for a few months. Voilà la différence. It is indeed what I tell the kiddos and their parents. We teachers cannot make you fluent. We can stuff/cram/beat vocabulary and verbs into your darling little heads, but you can only become fluent by living the language. C’est vrai. And I never stop dreaming of moving over and doing just that once again. Am I just a big romantic? Do I put France and French up on a pedestal the way some of my French friends claim? While I contemplate that for a few more minutes, watch this video of Sebastian and see what you think. Funny guy.
If you don’t understand, maybe it’s time for you to move to France and learn French… Just a suggestion. We could start a commune. And pledge to only speak French. And cook good food. And listen to good music. And grow lavender. And drink rosé year round. And invite all of our new Frenchie friends over for apéritif. And hang our laundry outside to dry. To heck with clothes dryers. And ask everyone we meet “Ça va?”
It’s just a thought worth thinking and daydreaming about. So, I think that I will go do just that while whipping up some tapenade à la Fanny. Oui, chef!

Tapenade à la Fanny
2 cans of black olives, pitted
4-5 cloves of garlic, minced (remove the skin and the germ)
Olive oil
5-6 anchovy filets (without the oil)
2 tsp. capers
2 cans of black olives, pitted
4-5 cloves of garlic, minced (remove the skin and the germ)
Olive oil
5-6 anchovy filets (without the oil)
2 tsp. capers
Put all ingredients in a food processor and mix. Do not over process. Add enough olive oil to obtain the proper consistency.
If you want to read (or reread) about the wonderful time I had hosting Fanny and Olivier at my house, click here.
Bon appétit and Happy Février! Keep eating and laughing. And daydreaming.
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