It is the eve of my exam. Wonder how much the kiddos have studied? Foreign language exams are last this year… the only thing standing between my students and 10 weeks of freedom is me. And pages of verbs, adjectives, object pronouns, etc. You get the picture. Hope you aren’t having flashbacks. We still have practice for the closing ceremony for the 8th graders followed by lunch tomorrow. The ceremony is on Thursday. A couple of days of meetings for the weary teachers. Exams to grade. Grades to enter into Veracross. Progress reports to write. Then freedom for me.
Today I received the beautiful plate of homemade pink macarons from my room parent. One of the 8th grade girlies gave me the armadillo. I use a website, Tex’s French Grammar, put together by the University of Texas-Austin. The main character is Tex, an existentialist poet who just happens to be an armadillo.

Yes, he smokes. No, I do not approve. Yes, he indulges in a glass of red wine from time to time. The kiddos know that they cannot do this legally until they are 21. The grammar explanations are great. The kiddos love to listen to the voices, especially Joe-Bob, the squirrel from College Station.

I am partial to Paw-Paw, Tex’s Cajun granddad.

I really want to go to Austin and meet the geniuses who created this website. And now I have a little stuffed Tex to keep me company in my classroom. Merci, EM!
I will make a trip up to the mountains to visit the relatives and hopefully see a few friends from the Class of ’76.

Last year, before our reunion, some of us got together at Spoon, a great little place on Upper Street. It’s the craft cocktail slingin’ counterpart to knife & fork restaurant, to quote the website. Knife & Fork is on Lower Street, by the way.

We will have our annual family week at Sunset Beach. We all really look forward to a week when the most important decision we make is who will go back to the house to refill the cooler and make sandwiches for lunch. Guess it was my turn that day since my chair is empty?
I have a few projects to accomplish around the house. Organizing the notecards that I have made from my photos, go through bookcases to see if there are some books I can give away, clean out my closet. You get the idea. I also plan to write. I have a new idea. I’ve taken some notes and have the beginning of an outline. That’s all I have to say at the moment.

The BFF and I have pledged to get up early and walk before she has to go to work and before it is too damn hot and humid to do much besides sweat. I am thinking 6 am, but I am an early riser. We’ll see what the BFF thinks.

I plan to hear some music. There are several spots around town where the concerts are free. We went out to Southpoint Mall last weekend to hear Big Time. Mr. BFF is in the band. A talented fellow. I can’t help myself when he is singing Love Shack or Give It to Me Baby. Just got to dance. And attempt to embarrass him. Not possible, but I won’t give up! Mr. BFF, Tracy King aka Sweet T, was a member of The Castaways back in the day. I can’t help but post this photo… (top row right)

Last, but by no means least, I will play Gramma and spend more time with the Most Amazing Girl. She is already 3-1/2 months old. I cannot wait. Bonding time. Oui, elle est belle!

Today’s recipe, just in time for summer so that you don’t heat up the house by using the oven.

Chicken Salad
adapted from Inside Brucrew Life
Shredded chicken from 1 rotisserie chicken
1-1/2 c. finely chopped pecans or almond slivers (I toast them to bring out the flavor)
3 stalks celery, chopped
4 c. halved red seedless grapes
Salt and pepper, to taste, if desired
1 c. sour cream
1 c. mayonnaise (today I used a mixture of Duke’s mayo and Just Mayo Chipotle flavor)
I c. finely chopped fresh dill, if desired (I left this out)
In a large bowl, toss together the chicken, nuts, celery, and grapes. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, if desired.
Whisk together the sour cream and mayonnaise. Add the dressing to the chicken mixture and gently toss to coat.
Cover and refrigerate. It’s best if allowed to chill for 2 hours so that the flavors can meld.
Bon appétit and happy summer to all. Bonnes vacances! Be sure to slow down a bit, if possible, and smell the flowers. Gardenias are presently blooming in my corner of the world. Heavenly.

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