The best job in the world is not even a job. It’s pure love. Love that is unexpected. Joy that cannot be put into mere words. I am the Gramma to this sweet girl. She is now 13 months old. She came over to hang out with us today. We went for several walks and strolls. Looking for puppies. Listening to the birds chirp. Feeling the rays of sun on our heads and our toes. Babbling in our own language. Who cares that neither of us understands what the other is really saying. It just does not matter. It is pure unadulterated adoration. At least on my part. The Cutest Granddaughter in the World toddles around, climbs stairs at an astonishing rate of speed, eats saltines, sips water, looks at books, plays with Kermit the Frog, giggles uncontrollably, looks for the cat that hides from her, changing her voice as she tries to find her, moves a couple of my goofy paintings around from one spot to another, tries to open all the cabinet doors, plays hide-and-seek with her Granddad (yea, Granddad!), plays with the refrigerator magnets, and just generally brings a light to our lives that we never imagined possible.
We love you, Pumpkin. May you always know that in your heart of hearts. You are amazing.
We will make cookies one day soon! Which ones should we start with? Gramma can’t wait. Should we tell Mommy??
I am going to go with sugar cookies. Not only sugar cookies, but Quaker sugar cookies. You are part Quaker, thanks to the Bell side of the family. You need to know this.
Rolled Sugar Cookies
From Springfield Friends Cookery, Springfield Friends Meeting, High Point, NC
Marilyn Hipps (Mrs. Richard)
Makes 2-1/2 dozen cookies (depending on the size of the cookie cutters)
1/2 cup butter; leave out to soften 30 minutes before making the cookies
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup sugar
2 beaten eggs; leave eggs out to come to room temperature
1 tablespoon milk
2-1/2 cups sifted flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
Additional sugar for sprinkling
Cream the butter until soft; add vanilla. Gradually add the sugar and cream until light and fluffy. Sift dry ingredients together. Combine eggs and milk and stir into creamed mixture. Add half the dry ingredients and mix thoroughly. Add the remaining and mix well. Chill dough for at least an hour. Preheat oven to 400˚F. Roll a little more than 1/8 inch thick on well-floured surface. Cut with floured 3/4- inch round cookie cutter. Sprinkle with additional sugar. Place on baking sheet (lined with parchment paper) and bake in hot oven (400˚F) until only lightly browned, 6-8 minutes. Remove from pan while warm. Cool on rack.
Bon appétit to all grand- and great-grand- parents out there. Isn’t it the best?
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