And through the Pisgah Forest to fetch College Son's stuff we go.
Yes, he has made it through one year. One year of out-of-state college tuition down and three to go. He didn't have a car this year until the last month of school. He presented a good case for one-- mainly a big fraternity dance in Hilton Head and the need to pick up his date in Athens, Georgia on the way. So, we made a quick trip across the state line

And through a tunnel or two

To get some of his belongings since they all wouldn't fit in the truck he would be coming home in (didn't want to take a chance on rain).
Ever wonder what the light at the end of the tunnel really looks like?

Well, that's what I saw, anyway.
Going to see him and help him out gave us a good excuse to visit the mountains. The rhododendrons are blooming.

This bush is in the in-laws' yard in Brevard. Aren't they just about the most beautiful flowers you've ever seen?
Sister-in-law even made a little centerpiece out of them.

Trop belles, ces fleurs.
And breakfast wasn't bad either!

Crumbled up cake, fresh peaches, fresh strawberries, and whipped cream.
The nest is half full again for a couple of months.
Bon appétit, summer vacation!
Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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