Tuesday, January 3, 2012

9 days and counting...

Oui, it is only 9 more days until I am in Paris again.  But who's counting, right?  Moi!  That's who.  I feel like a little kid on Christmas Eve.  I catch myself just daydreaming about it.  What should I visit?  Where should I eat?  I will have one night to plan my own dinner and I just think and think about it.
The map pictured is hanging on the wall of my classroom.  My 7th graders did Paris presentations.  Each of them were given a landmark, museum, or monument to research.  We then put together a Voice Thread, making it into a commercial for Paris.  It was a fun project.  They had to bring in a picture of their place, I laminated them, and then they placed them on the map.  I will leave it up until after the spring break trip in March so that my 8th graders have a visual of the way the city is laid out.  Will it sink in?  Will it make sense to them?  Who knows?  Will we have fun?  Absolument!  Okay, back to listening to the soundtrack for Midnight in Paris (Cole Porter is singing at the moment) and plotting my stay in the City of Light...
Les cuisses de grenouille?  Frog legs?  Peut-être.
La soupe à l'oignon?  Oui!
La Closerie des lilas?  It was one of Hemingway's hangouts.  It's near my hotel in the 14th.
A visit to Le Panthéon for the first time to see where Victor Hugo and Marie Curie are buried?
Maybe a stroll along the Canal Saint-Martin?  I've never been there either. 
An outdoor food market I've never been to?

Bon appétit, Paris daydreaming! 


Lisa@Pickles and Cheese said...

So excited for you and a wee bit jealous!! I'm sure it'll be a wonderful trip.

Anonymous said...

You will love the Panthéon! It is one of my favorite places to visit when I'm in Paris. Hugo is buried with Dumas and Zola - three greats in one room. Voltaire is there, too. By the way...Marie Curie is the only woman granted the honor of being entombed in the Panthéon. In the same area that the Curies are buried, there is a WWII/Holocaust memorial on the wall (I think it is titled Hommage de la Nation aux Justes de France). If it is open, going to the dome is very worth it - fantastic panoramic view of Paris! The Closerie des Lilas is beautiful but très cher! Sigh. Wish I was going to Paris, too! :)