Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Tomorrow! Demain!

As I scramble furiously to get ready to leave, I still had to make time to gaze at La Tour Eiffel.  As I taught my last day of classes for a week, I still found time to scribble notes to myself in my adorable journal the BFF gave me for Christmas.  I cannot believe she found this little book.  We have a joke dating back to when she and Mo came to France to visit me in 2007.  Mo wanted to take a photo of La Tour Eiffel.  She placed the BFF and me in the photo and we, being the girls that we are, started trying to make sure our hair looked just right.  Mo commented that we didn't need to worry about what we looked like, the photo wasn't about us, it was about La Tour F-L.  So, after that, we learned to asked if the photo would be about us or not.  I mean, why bother about what you look like if no one cares?  Therefore, the BFF gave this little journal to both of us.  Because it is, after all, all about moi.  That is, all my little notes.  The notes as of right this moment include a packing list, ideas for gifts to bring home, questions to ask, directions to my Paris hotel from the airport, addresses and metro stops for a couple of places I plan to visit, etc.  I've been given orders to write down everything I do while away.  And of course I will do just that so that I can remember it all!  It will require periodically stopping and sitting in a café because who can write and walk at the same time?  While gazing at the Frenchies, the buildings, the monuments, the sidewalk (to make sure the shoes stay clean!), the shop windows, and all that?  Pas moi!  I am up for the task, though.
Now, home to pack the suitcase, an agonizing task for moi...  I am really bad at packing.

Bon appétit, la Belle France.  Je te verrai vendredi matin!


Lisa@Pickles and Cheese said...

Good luck packing. Bon voyage and have a wonderful trip!

Anonymous said...

Bon voyage and safe travels! And FYI I made your sausage and pasta recipe last night for dinner. It was a HUGE hit! I had to substitute Asiago for the Parmesan (yes, strangely I had no fresh Parm, but I did have fresh Asiago...weird, I know) but it was still delicious!!