Sunday, January 8, 2012


The Ex-Ex left a couple of hours ago to take Son #2 back to Knoxville, Tennessee.  I have dried my tears (although he and I are texting as I write this) and now I am listening to the hum of the washing machine, warming up my lunch of leftover pasta and grilled sausage, and thinking about what I am going to pack in my suitcase.  I decided to go back to my photos from last January's trip for inspiration.  I won't look like a chic Parisian Frenchie no matter which fringues I pack, though.
C'est la vie.  They are born chic.  Chic-ness oozes out of their pores. And even though I loved this little fringue in the Opéra Garnier gift shop, I didn't buy it, so I won't be wearing it while I wander around the Quartier latin.
Cute, n'est-ce pas?
I promise to watch out for the green guy and cross at the appropriate crosswalks.  To avoid dying.
I will stay off the grass.

And watch where I step at all times, just in case les petits chiens leave little gifts on the sidewalk.

I promise to stroll along the Seine, taking my time to see the sights, even if they are just the Padlocks of Love.

I will eat at least one sandwich au fromage beurré.
I will drink all of my café au lait at breakfast so I am ready to go each morning.
I will leisurely sip my afternoon apéritif at a small little café while writing postcards and watching Frenchies hurry past.
Arles Lucy, who will accompany me on the student trip in March, recently gave me a wonderful little Paris book, written and illustrated by Jill Butler.
Jill lived in Paris for a while.  I picked up a couple of great tips from this book.  I now know that one of the largest Monoprix stores is located at 50, rue de Rennes in the 6th arrondissement.  I love Monoprix.
And since the January sales, les soldes, will be in full swing (mandated by the government in January and July), I might find a nice new fringue at half price.   Although I basically hate to shop for clothes.  Perhaps I will have to sacrifice a bit.
I have definitely decided to visit the Panthéon.  My new blog friend, Jennifer, at Le Blog, highly recommends it.  (Her blog is absolutely gorgeous!)  I have walked past this stately building dedicated to Sainte Geneviève many, many times, but I have never ventured in.  (It is a burial place for famous Frenchies.  Marie Curie is the only woman so far.  I plan to visit Victor Hugo to thank him for creating my hero, Jean Valjean, of Les Misérables.)

Maybe I will only have a drink at La Closerie des lilas (after finding out it is rather pricey).  That works, too.  I guess one pays a price to walk (or drink) in the steps of Hemingway.
I have also found a new outdoor market I want to visit, thanks to Jill.  Le Marché d'Aligre in the 12th.
I think that I probably have enough to completely fill three days.  ACIS has arranged a guided tour of the Orangerie museum and I will definitely do that so that I can sigh in front of Monet's waterlilies.

Afterwards, I will stroll through the Tuileries gardens and watch les petits play with their boats.
Okay, back to lunch and the suitcase.
Did I mention that after three days in Paris, I will board the TGV and head south to visit my Frenchie friends in Provence?  Oui, four days there to meet the students who will host mine in March and hang out with Mme P.  Oui, chef!

More about that tomorrow!  C'est promis!

Grilled Sausage and Pasta

There is no recipe for this other than...

Fresh sausage from a local farmer, if possible; grilled outside or inside on the stove top (I have a cast iron grill that I place over two burners on my gas stove- I would love to have one of the Cuisinart Griddlers- my father-in-law has one and uses it all the time); cut into bite-sized pieces

Your favorite pasta (penne, bowties, etc) cooked al dente

Freshly grated Parmesan cheese

Freshly ground black pepper

Mix the sausages and pasta, sprinkle liberally with Parmesan; add pepper to taste. Serve immediately.

Bon appétit, Paris et Provence en janvier! À très bientôt!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your plans sound amazing! If you get to La Closerie des Lilas, be sure to post a picture. It was not open when I went by, but apparently, the tables are marked with the names of the regulars at the places they used to sit - including Hemingway, Lenin & Trotsky!