Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I am in France!

If only I had practiced with this lovely little iPad before I left... I couldn't get connected in Paris. I was not about to pay for Internet at the hotel. Seriously? Hotels charge these days and times? So, I thought to myself, WWHD? Can't guess what that means?. What would Hemingway do? I decided to stop worrying about the Internet and gadgets and I scribbled in my cute little All About Moi notebook whenever I had a minute and just wander around a lot. I was staying near Montparnasse, his old neighborhood, after all. Lots of photos and details will follow. C'est promis! Now I am safely installed chez Faany, in her beautiful farmhouse in Pujaut. I spent the day with her at school, with a two hour lunch break in the middle of it, meeting her students and letting them practice,their English on me. I also met the 25 students and two other teachers who are coming to see us in a couple of months. Now it is time to get dressed for dinner out, preceded by a look at The lovely evenings lights of Avignon. Wow, the things I must do for my job! C'est vraiment terrible, n'est-ce pas?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad you're safe and having an amazing time. If you are ever in Paris and find yourself in the same internet predicament, then check out this website: http://goparis.about.com/od/gettingaround/a/paris_wifi_hotspotsfree.htm It tells you where all the free wifi hotspots are around Paris. Looking forward to pictures!